Keep Your Eye on the Ball…A Simple Pickleball Tip
A simple but effective tip I often suggest to my students is to keep your eye on the ball. While I always bring this up to beginning players, this applies to all players.
Pickleball Ten Commandments
There are certain truths that I have learned during my pickleball career. They are the guiding principles which shape my play. They are my pickleball ten commandments.
Punch vs Swing Volley…as Pickleball Evolves

Pickleball continues to evolve. The game and its strategies are changing. One example of this is the use of the swing volley over the old-school punch volley.
Get Out of Your Pickleball Comfort Zone
When you practice, do you want to win or get better? Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone, possibly losing points, to get better?
Learn to Play Pickleball Efficiently
Pickleball has changed significantly over the past few years…it is faster, more athletic and more technical. This requires all of us to learn to play pickleball efficiently.
Pickleball Rules and the Value of Having Referees
I have written before about the importance of knowing pickleball rules. I have also written about the value referees bring to sanctioned events. Today let me share my experience during a recent tournament that brings these points into focus.
This Pickleball Drill Will Improve Your Game
Do you get passed when you are at the non-volley zone? Do you want to learn to cut off the corner and make contact with the ball in front of you? Then you want to utilize this pickleball drill.
Cornhole and Pickleball…What is the Connection?
It is summertime and in many back yards, families are gathering to play cornhole. That’s a good thing because cornhole can help your pickleball game.
Why You Want to Play Singles Pickleball
I used to compete in singles pickleball. While I no longer enter these events in tournament play, I still play singles from time to time and I think you should too.
Pickleball Mindset: Being Present
Imagine this…you are down 1-8 in the third game. You just hit a stunning smash into the net. As you receive serve are you focused on the point you are playing or the last point? Perhaps, you and your partner won the first game and are up 9-2 in the second game…are you thinking about the […]