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Should You Try to Play Like a Pro?

I always receive questions and comments from spectators when I play in a tournament.  Most often it relates to someone trying to mimic a shot they saw a professional player make. The question is…  should you try to play like a pro?

Running Down a Lob…a Pickleball Must

Hitting an overhead or running down a lob is crazy hard.   The mechanics of doing it may seem unnatural if you didn’t come from tennis or badminton.  But even if you did play one of these sports, it is still a challenge.

Pickleball Practice Against a Wall

Players in some communities have difficulty getting enough court time, so they ask me how they can practice against a wall. Today, I offer some tips.

Sportsmanship: What’s the Right Pickleball Call?

Sportsmanship is something we all endeavor to demonstrate each and every time we go on the pickleball court.  With this in mind, let’s consider two different situations and ask you “What’s the right call?”

Should We Pick Serve or Side?

Many facilities have a local rule about which side of the court serves first. But when we play in a tournament we have to make a decision. Should we pick serve or side?

Want to Improve Your Pickleball Groundstroke?

We don’t hit that many groundstrokes on a pickleball court. But one time we always hit a groundstroke is on the return of serve. If your return of serve is not as effective as you would like, let me ask you to ask yourself three questions.