Stop Dinking and Win the Point
As we reviewed last week, there are good times to dink. However, sometimes you need to stop dinking and win the point! Identifying when that is, and what to do next is key.
Pickleball Must: Proper Paddle Position
One of the biggest problems pickleball players have is getting too hunched over at the NVZ line. Today we are going to talk about how posture promotes proper paddle position.
Bangers and Dinkers: The Best Pickleball Players Can Do Both

We all recognize there are two styles of pickleball play: Bangers and Dinkers. Often players have a preference for one style of play. However, I would say great players are able to do both well.
Hitting a Wall…Is Your Game Stuck?
I love pickleball. I am crazy about this sport, as most of you are. One of the biggest things I love about pickleball is how much I can still learn and grow. However, at times I feel like I hit a wall…I feel stuck. Does this ever happen to you?
Pickleball Foot Faults: Do You See Them?
Today we are going to focus on pickleball foot faults. We will talk about the causes and how we can detect them in ourselves, our partner and those we are playing against. Do you think you see foot faults during play?
Do You Think About Where to Dink?
Many players define a successful dink as a soft shot from the NVZ line that lands anywhere in the non-volley zone. However, I have a different theory as to where to dink.
The 3 P's to Pickleball Improvement
What is your pickleball goal? Is it to just play, or do you hope to improve? If you said, just play…that’s fine. However, if your goal is improvement pay attention to these 3 P’s.
Pickleball Cross Court Considerations
I find that many players are not sure when to change direction or which direction to go…and why. Today we examine the cross court shot.
Pickleball Mastery vs a Pickleball Quick Fix
When students come for a lesson, they often are looking to improve a specific shot….how can I block a ball? How do I hit an overhead? Can you show me how to impart more pace or spin? Many times people are looking for a quick fix.
Pickleball Split Step: Why, How and When
Though many pickleball players have heard the term split step, they may not fully understand it or use it properly. A split step is extremely important for your footwork at any level of play and is the focus of today’s post.