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Oh Sh?%: Lost Your Serve

Have you ever lost your serve? It is amazing how common it is for players to suddenly, inexplicably get the yips on their serves. It has happened to many, many players regardless of their USAPA Skill Rating.

Pickleball Challenges: The Mental Side of the Game

We often practice our shots…thinking that perfecting our strokes is the key to winning.  But if we don’t control the mental side of the game we will often come up short.  Today, we’ll focus on preparing yourself mentally before a tournament.

Pickleball Nutrition: Fuel Yourself for Success

Whether you play in national tournaments or “just” three or four hours a day, pickleball nutrition and hydration is vital.  Pickleball can be a demanding sport.  I would compare it to running a marathon.  While I don’t think everyone needs to buy tons of supplements they will never use, many have asked me to share […]

Reflecting on US Open Pickleball Championship 2017

I am still in Naples for a few more days recovering from all of the excitement of the US  Open Pickleball Championship.  I need to give my body a chance to recover and then get ready for a busy travel month … heading to Georgia, the Carolinas and Delaware.

3 Keys to Keeping the Ball Low

We have all had those moments…those “oh no” moments when the ball pops up too high and then crazy things happen.  So today, let’s examine 3 keys to keeping the ball low.

Once Again, the Answer is Balance

Despite your age or your previous sports background, I think you can excel in pickleball with the right tools.  I am convinced that focusing on balance will make you a better player.

3 Keys to Hitting Solid Pickleball Volleys

When players first start playing pickleball, they tend to avoid hitting volleys.  I often see a new player stepping back, away from the non-volley zone line, allowing the ball to bounce before hitting it.   As I have discussed in another post, you want to capture and hold the line.  So today, we will review […]