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Footwork is Key to Your Pickleball Success

If you have ever been to one of my clinics I talk a lot about how to properly use your body.  Since our point of connection to the ground is our feet, today we talk about footwork…your key to pickleball success.

Pickleball Footwork Drill with Sarah Ansboury

Pickleball Footwork Drill

Pickleball Footwork Drill Each week I’ve been answering your questions in the Q&A Series. I didn’t ask a specific question this week, but many of you sent in questions about certain parts of your game and even though the questions were different my answer is the same, “It’s your footwork”. So this week I spent […]

Acceleration & Footwork – Lesson & Drill with Sarah Ansboury

Acceleration & Footwork - Lesson & Drill

In this week’s Lesson & Drill I show you how to improve your acceleration and a big part of that is footwork and dynamic motion. In this drill I am working on a few things, I start as if I am driving a 3rd shot, work forward and then cross court work on a swinging […]

Check Your Grip Pressure

I was teaching new players recently, that were holding the paddle much too tight.  Today we are going to talk about how you grip the paddle and how much grip pressure is really required.