How to Anticipate a Pickleball Opponent's Shot
I recently sent a survey to everyone that purchased my first ebook, 3 Pickleball Strategies that Will Improve Your Game, asking what topics they wanted me to cover in future books. The most frequently requested topic was how to anticipate a pickleball opponent’s shot. I believe there is one thing you can do that is […]
Pickleball Strategy: The Importance of Having One
I have found the many players have difficulty learning how to develop a successful pickleball strategy in a match. There is a tendency to just keep dinking without purpose or to get bored and try to create something out of nothing. Today we discuss the basics of creating a pickleball strategy.
The “Why” of Pickleball Strategy
As an instructor. I think it is important not only to teach what I want a student to do but also why. Understanding the “why” is particularly important when it comes to pickleball strategy. If you understand the why of one strategy, you are then able to apply it to others.
Serve vs. Side, a Pickleball Dilemma
One of my favorite questions is “What should you choose if you are able to choose between serve vs. side?” I find this very interesting because people seem to have very strong ideas about the “correct answer” and their justifications for their views are so varied.
Pickleball and the Two-Handed Backhand
I wrote an article about the two-handed backhand for the Pickleball Magazine, but I thought I would jump on the topic here as well. You are seeing some of the pro players bringing their two-handed backhand from their tennis game to the game of pickleball. This brings a lot of power to a small space.
Pickleball Tips…The Tall and Short of It
I received an email from a shorter player commenting on the challenges she faced on the pickleball court. Everyone has a different body type, and those differences require us to think about both court positioning and reach. Today I offer some pickleball tips for the vertically challenged.
Pickleball Tournaments, Plan for Success
Some pickleball tournaments offer the option of playing both in age and skill divisions. Which do you enter? Do you enter both? Do you have a plan to succeed in whichever division you enter?
How to Poach Like a Pro
Do you ever poach? Though poaching is more common among higher skill level players, it can be used at any level. But there are a few things to keep in mind if you want to poach like a pro.
Comfort…Your Key to Better Pickleball
We all play better when we have fun! We have fun when we are comfortable … with ourselves and the people we are playing with. So it seems, comfort is a key to better pickleball.
A Pickleball Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste
Have you ever driven home after work, and as you pull into the driveway you realize you don’t remember driving home? And, oh, by the way, are you breathing right now? Are you thinking about it? Did you think about the fact that you blinked your eyes as you read the last few sentences? No….but you still […]