How to Keep Your Paddle Up!
I am certain at some point you have been told to keep your paddle up. Someone may have even whacked a ball at you to make the point. While we all know we should keep our paddle up, we don’t always do it. Rather than pointing out your mistake, I would rather teach you how […]
Focus on Pickleball Fundamentals
I sometimes come across a player that wants to learn how to hit a particular shot that they saw an advanced player hit. And I know there are instructors that focus on explaining how to hit a “trick” shot like this player or that. But my focus, and I believe your focus, should be on […]
Pickleball Bulleye: You Have One on Your Chest
One of the biggest differences between an advanced and intermediate pickleball player is where they hold their paddle. I want you to visualize a pickleball bull’s eye on your chest.
3 Keys to Keeping the Ball Low
We have all had those moments…those “oh no” moments when the ball pops up too high and then crazy things happen. So today, let’s examine 3 keys to keeping the ball low.
How to Anticipate a Pickleball Opponent's Shot
I recently sent a survey to everyone that purchased my first ebook, 3 Pickleball Strategies that Will Improve Your Game, asking what topics they wanted me to cover in future books. The most frequently requested topic was how to anticipate a pickleball opponent’s shot. I believe there is one thing you can do that is […]
Pickleball Tips…The Tall and Short of It
I received an email from a shorter player commenting on the challenges she faced on the pickleball court. Everyone has a different body type, and those differences require us to think about both court positioning and reach. Today I offer some pickleball tips for the vertically challenged.