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A Pickleball Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Have you ever driven home after work, and as you pull into the driveway you realize you don’t remember driving home?  And, oh, by the way, are you breathing right now? Are you thinking about it?  Did you think about the fact that you blinked your eyes as you read the last few sentences?  No….but you still blinked.

pickleball mind

Your Pickleball Mind

Our mind is incredible.  It controls 90% of our bodily functions unconsciously and still allows us to consciously think and reason. As one of the readers of a recent guest post commented, “…the most important 6″ in pickleball is the space between my ears.”  You are absolutely right, Jay, and that is why I have dedicated much of my new ebook, Be the Best Pickleball Partner You Can Be, to this topic.  I believe that how we think has a direct effect on how we play:

  • Do we embrace competition or fear it?
  • Do we focus on the present or on the last shot?
  • Do we trust our training and practice as we play, or do we concentrate on technique?
  • Are we confident as we step on the court?


Your Pickleball Mind:  Free Will

When I discuss these things with some of my students, they push back.  They suggest that it is easy for me to be confident because I seem to win a lot.  To a certain extent, I understand their view.  However, I absolutely believe that we have free will.  That we have a choice of how we act.  I believe, free will extends to our thoughts.   We make voluntary decisions, choices every minute of every day, which determines our perceptions, beliefs, and feelings.  Our thoughts, like our actions, are not pre-determined.  They are not controlled by some external force.  They are controlled by each of us.  Thinking in a way that enhances rather than limits the likelihood of success may not be second nature to every player, but it is something you can learn.  In Be the Best Pickleball Partner You Can Be I teach you how to train your mind to help, rather than hinder, you on the court. 
How you think…learning to train your thoughts to help you on the court is critically important, but it is just one of the things included in this new book.  At just under 30 pages, this is a little longer than 3 Pickleball Strategies that Will Improve Your Game.

Ebook FAQ
Is the book available in paperbacK

Not at this time.  I choose to offer ebooks because they are easy to distribute and give me the ability to include video content such as YouTube videos.

I don’t have a PayPal account, can I still get the book?

Absolutely.  Though I utilize PayPal’s gateway, you don’t need to create a PayPal account.   I utilize their gateway because it is a trusted and secure site that allows you to simply enter your credit card information.

When will I get the ebook?

Instantly!   You can download the book from the Payment confirmation page or through the sale confirmation that will be immediately sent to your email. Some email providers will route the receipt to your Junk or Spam folder, so if you don’t see it in your InBox please check there. If you can’t find your receipt or have any difficulties or questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

What if I don’t like it?

It is really important to me that all my students get value from the instruction or advice I provide.  I’m certainly not going to tarnish my reputation over the cost of an ebook.  So if, for any reason, you don’t think it helps your game just let me know.  Frankly, you don’t even need to give me an explanation…the book comes with a 90-day money back guarantee.   All I want is for you to Be the Best Pickleball Partner You Can Be.

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