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2 Rainy Day Drill Games – Pickleball Tips with Sarah Ansboury

Rainy Day Pickleball Game Drill 1

It’s a rainy day and we’re undercover, here’s something we can do to keep us busy and improve our Pickleball Game.

Using the little circles, I love using these circles on the court for little targets, today we’re going to play a drill game that works on soft hands as well as helping us get under a ball.

Here’s how it works, we are trying to get that ball into the circle, and it has to be using an upward motion, not just trying to pop it.

You will want to try to lift and get under the ball. See how the paddle leads to the ball, keeping your paddle out in front.

Because you are leading with your paddle you will want to stay away from body. The goal is to come up, getting under the ball, my head stays high, to try to create a little bit of a loop in, and getting in that circle.

1. Step to the ball leading with the paddle
2. Upward motion, get under the ball
3. No diving for it

When you keep it simple, this game drill gives you one more way to spend your time wisely and work on your game.

Rainy Day Pickleball Game Drill 2

I’ve got another rainy-day game drill for you.

This one we would normally do across the net; we’re going to work on a little bit of directionality and soft hands.

Here’s how it works, we have 2 orange circles, and 2 yellow circles. My yellow & orange circles are the ones farthest from me, my partner’s circles are the ones farthest from her.

I’m going to hit the first ball with a dinking motion to that orange and she has to hit it to this orange, so it’s across court. Then I’m going to go yellow and then she’s going to yellow, so little crosscourt, down the line action.

Obviously, it’s pretty tough, you’re just working on changing the direction of the ball. You can take it in the air or off the bounce. Practicing very, very, soft hands, that’s all we’re doing.

Don’t worry about the net we’re just going to work on touching the ball, lifting it, tap and go, and the directionality.

It’s a little bit of a workout, you can use it as a warmup, or cool down. It’s a great way to spend your time, working on some fundamentals. It’s something different to have a little bit of fun out there.

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