We all want to play better pickleball. Most of us play every chance we get. We may even drill with friends. Gosh, we may even take a lesson or go to a clinic. But for many, they want to get better faster. Well, there are three keys to better pickleball.

Better Pickleball Key #1: Know your weaknesses
Knowing what you struggle with helps you identify what you have to “protect” a bit, in a game. It also identifies for you what you need to work on to improve. Even if you feel confident in all of your shots you want to pick out the one you think has the most room for improvement. This is an important factor in setting goals for yourself
Better Pickleball Key #2. Know your strengths
Knowing what you are really good at will help you make those strengths even better. You will also be able to plan your play around those shots in particular. If you have a preference for a forehand volley, then position yourself to get that forehand more often. Even if that ball is coming right at your backhand, your first instinct might be to take a backhand. But if you know, with certainty, that you can do more with that forehand than move your feet and hips in a way so you can make that forehand happen.
Better Pickleball Key #3. Improve in both areas
Dedicate yourself to always learning and improving. Challenge yourself every day. People always want to work on the shot they have the most trouble with and of course, this is important. But don’t forget your weapons. You can always make your weapons even stronger or find ways to use them more often.
Of course, we all want to feel more confident and play better pickleball But I don’t believe there is one person out there that has the perfect forehand or third shot. We can all find ways to improve whether that be in speed, technique, or consistency. Goals are key to anything you want to improve. Setting goals to address your biggest weakness and greatest strength is an important step to pickleball mastery.