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3 Tips for Those Looking for a Pickleball Partner

When I first started playing in pickleball tournaments I was often in search of a pickleball partner.  Though I had a partner for women’s … I was always searching for a pickleball partner for the mixed division.  If you are a newer player, you might often find yourself looking for a partner so let me recommend three tips.

pickleball partner

Good and Bad

I have had both good and bad experiences searching for a partner on sites like partner finder.  I have learned to deal with different styles of play and different personalities.  Of course, many people are nervous when partnering with someone they don’t know.  I have heard people say things like, “I would rather not play then struggle with someone I don’t know.”  I disagree….I would rather play!  If nothing else, at least I will meet more tournament players which might open doors in the future.

3 Tips

If you are cautious when looking for a new pickleball partner, let me offer you three tips:

  1. Be open to being uncomfortable. You must be willing to reach out and ask people you don’t know.  No one likes to hear “no”, but we all do.  Often times the most difficult part of the process is just asking someone new to be your pickleball partner.  Put yourself out there.  You won’t know the answer till you ask.
  2. Put in a little extra effort.  Take the time to get to know your new partner.  Make time to practice before your event, either at your home club or by getting into the tournament site a day or two early.  As you get familiar with their play, consider what strategies will work best for you.
  3. Communicate!  Talk about how you like to play and ask them how you can make them most comfortable.  Before your first tournament match, discuss the strategies you hope to utilize. If something is not working, work together to find a solution. But as you do this, consider how you communicate.  I often find that a person will try to coach their partner…but this doesn’t work very often.  Be open to an honest exchange of ideas.

Work with your pickleball partner and have fun!




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