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Are You Making This Dinking Mistake?

Today I want to dive into a common mistake that I’ve seen players of all levels make time and time again on the pickleball court. It’s a mistake that’s so prevalent that I encounter it almost every day. What am I talking about? Well, I’m talking about the dink-and-squat move.


Picture this: you’re out there on the court, engaged in a spirited rally, and then it happens. Your opponent dinks at the ball and squats down low to hit it. You’ve probably seen it before, and maybe you’ve even done it yourself. The ball connects beautifully with the paddle’s sweet spot, but here’s the kicker. At the very moment of impact, they’re descending into a squat. And that’s the number one reason why the ball doesn’t perform as expected. It either plummets into the net or barely makes it over. Frustrating, right?

So, let’s talk about how to remedy this issue. It all comes down to your weight distribution and timing. First and foremost, you want your weight to be properly distributed before making contact with the ball. Whether you’re receiving a shot or setting up for a powerful return, your weight should already be positioned correctly. This ensures that you have control over your shot and can seamlessly transition to your next move.

Now, I want you to pay attention the next time you’re on the court. You’ll likely notice this mistake happening all around you because it’s something that nearly every player grapples with at some point. The key fix here is to keep your weight down before striking the ball. When your weight is up and down in a dinking motion, it can seriously hinder your shot’s effectiveness.

Here’s another valuable tip: if the ball is coming at you and you find yourself in a position where you need to strike it in the air, try to let it bounce if it’s below your knees. Allowing the ball to bounce before you make contact can resolve a multitude of issues. When you do make contact in the air, remember to keep the ball’s height above your knees and maintain it out in front of you.

By adhering to these simple yet critical principles – proper weight distribution, letting the ball bounce if necessary, and keeping the ball at the right height – you can drastically improve your shots and prevent that frustrating net collision. So, the next time you step onto the court, keep these tips in mind, and watch your game reach new heights.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and with a few adjustments, you’ll be on your way to becoming a more skilled and consistent pickleball player.

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