Joining the Professional Pickleball Federation
The PPF and Nationals
Professional Pickleball Federation and LiveStreaming
The PPF is also leveraging technology to promote pickleball. You may have noticed that the PPF utilized Facebook “live streaming” during many of the recent TOC matches. We are still in the early phases but given the positive response to date, we expect this will continue. If you haven’t already visited the PPF Facebook page, follow it now so you don’t miss another match.
Continued Growth
What I find important about the Professional Pickleball Federation is that there is an Open and Senior bracket. As much as many of us young players would like to say we lead this sport; the reality is the biggest draws with the most depth are the Senior players. And all the matches are worth watching.
The level of competition at every age is getting tougher. Every round makes the players work to get to the next. I am personally really excited to see what new players this will draw to our sport. At the highest level the more we can attract athletes from other sports means the faster we grow.