Make Your Pickleball Drills More Effective

pickleball drills

I am often asked about pickleball drills.  I am asked, “What pickleball drill will improve my game?” Or I’m told,  “I drill twice a week, but it doesn’t seem to be having an impact on my game.” Sound familiar?  If so, I have some advice for you.

5 Steps to Better Pickleball, a New Pickleball Mastery eBook

5 steps to better pickleball

I just launched my third ebook, 5 Steps to Better Pickleball — A Simple Plan to Creating Your Winning On-Court Strategy.  This, the third book in the mastery series, was written in response to my student’s frequent requests for a book about on-court strategy.

Follow the Ball with Your Toes

follow the ball

I recently wrote an article about how you should follow the ball. Following the ball is key to ensuring proper court coverage… to being able to cover the whole court with your partner. But today we look at a much smaller area of the court. Today we focus on your toes.

Pickleball’s Golden Rule & My Top 5 Tips for Pickleball Communication

pickleball communication

I’ve written before about pickleball communication…I even wrote a book about it. And we see examples of the importance of communication in every team sport.  People playing volleyball, soccer, football, baseball…are always talking, calling the ball, directing other players during play.

Pickleball Glove: Do You Wear One?

pickleball glove

I’ve noticed a lot of players using pickleball gloves recently.  I realize many players start using a glove in hopes of maintaining a better grip on the paddle.

CITI Open: Pickleball Exhibition

pickleball exhibition

I wanted to share with you my experience participating in the USAPA’s first sanctioned event…a pickleball exhibition at the  CITI Open.

3 Keys to Perfect Pickleball Practice

Do you practice?  Do you drill?  Are you getting better?  Are you improving as fast as you would like?  If not, perhaps you need to learn the 3 keys to perfect pickleball practice.

Pickleball Fitness

pickleball fitness

If you have ever taken a lesson from me you may know that I stress pickleball fitness.  Not because I really love going to the gym…but because it is critical to my ability to be on the court.