What’s The Secret To Retaining What You Practice? Q&A with Sarah Ansboury

This is a much bigger question, with a simple foundational answer…
Keep Your Pickleball Elbows on the Table and Avoid Tennis Elbow

I know your mother told you to keep your elbows off the table, but as it relates to pickleball she was wrong (Sorry Mom!). To be successful in pickleball and avoid the dreaded Tennis Elbow (or Pickleball Elbow) you must keep your elbows on the table.
No Man’s Land…Not in Pickleball

I often observe people applying tennis terms or tactics to pickleball. One of these is the phrase no man’s land. But pickleball isn’t tennis! There are important differences.
How To Soften The Ball When You Are Trying To Block It

I recently received a question from a reader. “How do I slow it down when a ball is slammed at me?” Great question. Let me try to answer it here.
3 Keys to Identifying an Attackable Ball In Pickleball

Do you have difficulty identifying an attackable ball? Many players do. Though we will all make a mistake from time to time, we need to have criteria for identifying the right ball to attack.
What To Do When Your Opponent Likes to Spin the Ball

I am often asked how to deal with an opponent that likes to spin the ball. I will answer that question, but first I have to ask…is it an effective or ineffective spin?
Pickleball Fundamentals: Holding the Line, Options At The Non-Volley Zone

What is so important about holding your line? Everything! Pickleball is played at the non-volley zone line. If you are not positioned at the non-volley zone line for the majority of the game, you are playing a different game.
The Keys to Effective Partner Communication

I have written before about why partner communication was so important. But there are effective ways to communicate and less effective ways. Today we take the topic, one step further.
Rules For An Erne – Pickleball Mini-Lesson with Sarah Ansboury

Today we will cover Rules for an Erne! To correctly and successfully complete an Erne you must pass over the non-volley line and make contact before you clear the net. The order is important because if you clear the net and then make contact you lose the point. Likewise, if you miss the ball […]
3 Keys to Improving Your Pickleball Accuracy

Today I want to review the 3 most important keys to improving your accuracy on the pickleball court. Whether you are hitting a serve, a return of serve, a groundstroke, a volley or a dink…these keys remain the same.