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Dinking In The Air vs Off The Bounce

Today, let’s delve into the world of dinking – specifically, dinking in the air versus dinking off the bounce. Many players find dinking in the air quite challenging. The common pitfall is treating it like a punch shot, especially with backhand dinks.

The fundamental distinction lies in how we handle our paddles when we’re catching the ball in the air. It’s crucial to keep your paddle movement minimal, ideally within one to two inches. What often happens is players tend to flick their paddles back and attempt to accelerate during an aerial dink. However, in reality, you’re catching the ball, absorbing its energy.

Now, consider dinking off the bounce. This involves a longer follow-through motion because the ball’s speed is slowing down due to the bounce. Let’s break it down: in the air, in the air, bounce, bounce, in the air. You can see that the motion differs when catching the ball mid-air compared to letting it bounce.

For successful in-the-air dinking, practice that subtle absorption of the ball’s energy. Ensure your weight is leaning slightly toward the direction of the shot, and remember to keep the paddle movement minimal – just one to two inches. This will help you avoid popping up the ball and maintain better control over the shot.

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Power Source - Drill

Mastering Weight Transfer for Powerful Volleys

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Turning Your Toes - Mini Lesson

Turning Your Toes Is the Key to Better Court Movement

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Finding Your Forward Movement

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