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Do You Struggle With Paddle Angle?

Today I want to dive into a fundamental aspect of pickleball that can greatly impact your game: paddle angle. It might seem like a small detail, but trust me, it plays a significant role in your performance.

Whether you’re hitting the ball low, high, or somewhere in between, the angle of your paddle is your secret weapon. It influences your spin, shot placement, net clearance, and more. So let’s break it down.

Imagine a ball coming over the net. If you’re intercepting it mid-air, think of your paddle as a tabletop. Your grip, especially the index finger, provides the necessary forward pressure to maintain this angle. A common mistake is flattening the paddle and attempting to scoop the ball. Don’t do that. Embrace the angle. It naturally generates lift and forward motion with minimal effort. When your paddle is flat, especially when the ball is descending, it won’t go where you want it to.

Now, as you move up, say for a swinging volley, focus on the paddle’s tip. You want it to travel around and through the ball. Some players tend to flick or catch behind the ball, altering the angle. Remember, where your paddle points during your follow-through determines the ball’s direction. If you want it to go one way, your paddle should finish in that direction. This concept is closely tied to allowing yourself to complete your shot. Avoid rushing back into position too quickly, as it can cause mishits. Let your paddle leave smoothly before you prepare for the next shot. Take your time and finish your shot with finesse.

Consider your paddle’s angle relative to your body’s position. If you’re reaching back like this, it’s challenging to engage the right mechanics. Instead, drop the paddle slightly, open it up, and let it do the work for you. Keep your wrist relaxed. This ensures a proper angle for lifting the ball. Compare the difference between a flat paddle and a slightly open one. The latter allows you to reach the ball comfortably without forcing it downward.

In essence, paddle angle is your guiding star in pickleball. It’s the key to consistency, control, and finesse. So, remember these insights next time you step on the court. Embrace the angle, and watch your game elevate to new heights.

Keep practicing, stay focused, and enjoy your pickleball journey!

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