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Indoor Tennis Facilities Provide Many New Pickleball Courts

One of the most exciting things about the Professional Pickleball Registry is the opening of so many new pickleball courts throughout the country. Especially when it comes to indoor tennis facilities.

new pickleball courts


Playing indoors

In many parts of the country, if you want to play pickleball at certain times of year you are forced to play indoors.  Typically that meant we were playing on the gymnasium floors of local Y’s, high schools or fitness centers.  While we all were glad to have this opportunity, it came with certain limitations.  The ball can skid on a well-waxed hardwood floor and lighting was often a challenge.

Indoor tennis facilities address both of these challenges.  I want to point out, that while indoor pickleballs were developed specifically for use in gymnasiums, you can and should use the outdoor ball when playing at an indoor tennis facility.

New pickleball Courts for juniors

new pickleball courtsI am also excited to see the number of public schools that are adding pickleball to their physical education programs.  Bringing more young people into the game will help to propel our sport for years to come.  When I give a junior a lesson, I often hear them express frustration with the relatively few places they have to play.

Indoor tennis facilities also address this problem.  Providing more new courts for families to play together and for juniors to play among themselves.

embrace the change

I realize there are some non-tennis playing pickleball players that aren’t really excited about the number of tennis players that are migrating to the sport we love.  But I want to encourage you to embrace this change.  When we stop growing we die.  And the indoor tennis facilities and the new pickleball courts they offer will help us all grow.


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