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My Pickleball Challenge for You

I loved the responses I got from a recent post about the growth of pickleball.  So today I thought I would offer you a pickleball challenge.   I want to challenge you to grow the game we all love.

pickleball challenge

Help Someone New Learn Pickleball

My challenge is for you to help someone learn this great sport.  Whether it’s someone new showing up to open or recreational play, or someone who just stops and watches for a bit.  If they seem curious, why not strike up a conversation or invite them to join in.   Of course, you also want to extend yourself to the others already in line that perhaps are coming for the first time.  Play with them.  Welcome them to your group.  Find out about them, and you may learn you have more in common than just pickleball.
Take it a step further

  • Perhaps there is someone at work that needs an outlet;
  • Or a friend you know who once play a competitive sport;
  • Perhaps you know someone that wants to get in better shape.

Invite them out to play.  Spur their curiosity by sending them a YouTube video, or create wacky, fun games to keep them engaged as they improve.

Don’t Accept the First “No”

As I think back about it, I was reluctant to try pickleball when I was first invited.  I am so grateful that people kept after me to play pickleball challengeand didn’t give up the first time I said “no”.  Likewise, there are some tennis friends I have asked a dozen or more times to give it a try.  I’m confident with time, my passion and love for this sport will peak their interest, just as it did mine a few years ago.
Once they come out and play, the welcoming environment they are sure to encounter will keep them hooked!
I am continually fascinated by the people I meet playing pickleball.  I have met Olympians and former professional athletes.  The first time they play they may have seemed clueless, but with a little guidance, they can be really good at this sport.
So let me offer you this pickleball challenge.  Take a minute to think of someone and give them an extra nudge.  You bring one player into pickleball and, in time, they bring one and so on.

Turning Your Toes - Mini Lesson

Turning Your Toes Is the Key to Better Court Movement

Hey everyone, Sarah Ansboury here! Today, I want to talk about something that could transform your movement on the pickleball court: turning your toes. It’s such a simple adjustment, but it has a huge impact on your speed, balance, power, and even injury prevention. Let’s break it down. Why Turning

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Finding Your Forward Movement - Mini Lesson

Finding Your Forward Movement

Hey everyone, Sarah Ansboury here! Let’s talk about something that drives me absolutely insane: the obsession with shuffling on the court. Shuffling side to side might seem like the right way to move, but it’s actually holding you back. Let me explain why—and show you a better way to cover

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Offensive Dinking Air vs. Bounce Strategy

How To Improve Offensive Dinking: Air vs. Bounce Strategy

Today, we’re diving into offensive dinking and how to make it a weapon in your pickleball game. There’s a lot of theory out there about dinking, but I want to focus on two key approaches: dinking in the air and offensive dinking off the bounce. Understanding when to use each

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The Serve - Bounce or In The Air

Pickleball Serve: Bounce It or Take It In Air?

One thing I often see from players is the reliance on the bounce serve. While there are times when the bounce serve can be useful, it often limits your ability to be more offensive. Today, I want to dive into how transitioning to hitting the serve in the air can

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The Pickleball Serve Key Progressions for Consistency

The Serve: A Simple Progression for Consistency

In pickleball, the serve is one of the most fundamental aspects of the game. However, as adults, we often complicate what should be a straightforward motion, making it trickier than it needs to be. Today, we’re going to break down the serve into a simple progression that will help you

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The Pickleball Overhead

The Overhead In 3 Steps

Hitting an overhead in pickleball can be a bit tricky, especially if you’re new to the sport or haven’t played other racquet sports like tennis. However, with the right progression and practice, you can develop a strong and effective overhead shot. In this post, I’ll walk you through a simple

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