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Pickleball Etiquette: Navigating Courts and Calls for a Safer Game

Greetings from Palmetto Dunes, my home club in beautiful Hilton Head, South Carolina! If you haven’t been here, you’re truly missing out. Today, I want to talk about some crucial etiquette tips, especially when you’re at a bustling facility like this one.

As you can see, our club has a mix of courts with fences and some without. This is pretty common in many places, but there are a few important things to keep in mind, especially if you’re at a club like ours.

First and foremost, please, never walk across someone else’s court. It’s a matter of common courtesy to be mindful of your surroundings and use designated entrances and exits. This is particularly vital when you’re at a club with multiple courts. At our facility, we have four courts dedicated to teaching, and it’s quite common for people to try to cut across behind us. However, this is not only distracting for those taking lessons but also potentially dangerous. We’ve had instances where a child was accidentally struck because they ran across the court during a lesson. So, as always, prioritize safety above all else.

Now, let’s talk about another common scenario: when the ball ends up on another court. Accidents happen, and sometimes the ball goes astray. But what should you do? Well, here’s a tip: if your ball is rolling into another court and poses a safety risk, absolutely call out “ball.” We don’t want anyone to rush onto the court to retrieve it, but a simple call acknowledges the situation. On the other hand, if the ball lands on the backside of the court and doesn’t interfere with ongoing play, don’t take any action. Let the players on that court decide whether it constitutes a hindrance. That’s their call to make.

It’s important to emphasize that just because the ball is on the back of the court doesn’t mean you should walk onto the court to retrieve it. Proper etiquette dictates that you wait for the point to finish. Ideally, someone from the court where the ball has landed will help return it. If it’s only a few feet inside the court, it’s generally acceptable to retrieve it, but always remember that safety and courtesy come first. We should allow people to enjoy their game without unnecessary interruptions.

In closing, whether you’re at a public park or a facility like ours, especially one that offers lessons and court rentals, please be mindful of other players. Crossing someone else’s court can disrupt their game, so let’s keep these etiquette tips in mind and ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time on the courts. Have fun out there!

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