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Pickleball Goals…Here Are Mine

I rarely have New Year resolutions. But if you are a frequent reader you know I always have pickleball goals. And you should too.

pickleball goals

2020 pickleball goals

Goals are such an important factor in improving your game and yourself. So as we celebrate the New Year I decided to share with you my pickleball goals for 2020. I know it sounds a bit cliche, but this year I really need to focus on my health.

  • Diet – As I am getting older I am finding that my body requires better nutrition. I am going to try to continue to cut out red meat, dairy and cut down on my gluten intake. It is sometimes tough to do this…but when I do, I feel better.pickleball goals
  • Travel – My work travel schedule is a challenge. I need to plan my meals ahead rather than relying on airport food. I also need to take the time I need to work out. If there isn’t a gym at the hotel, I can still exercise in my hotel room…it just requires setting the alarm a bit earlier.
  • Sleep – I require a lot of sleep. I now realize that for my own sanity and physical health I need to develop a regular sleep schedule.
on the court goals

My number one pickleball goal for 2020 is to enjoy myself more when I am on the court. This may surprise you…as many comment on how much I smile when I am on the court. The fact is, that burn out has been an issue for me over the past year. I won’t lie, I have many times felt like I just didn’t want to be there.

My 2020 goal is to get on the court and enjoy myself. I know when I enjoy myself I play better. To do this, I have to put in the time before a tournament to prepare better. I can’t work every day leading up to an event and then expect myself to play at my best. I also need to make sure I am rested and eating properly before events.

Do you have pickleball goals?

Of course, I have certain specific goals for my game this year…but today I wanted to share my overall resolutions for myself. Like me, you might have a difficult time creating New Year Resolutions that “stick”…but that doesn’t mean you can’t create pickleball goals.





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