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Creating Successful Pickleball Habits

Every time we strike the ball we have a decision to make. Where should we hit it? How hard? Etc. For some players these options create stress. To relieve that stress I recommend you create some pickleball habits.



I often hear a player say, “I am just trying to get the ball over the net”.  Unfortunately, this is too big a target! I believe you need to give yourself more credit than that. Having a specific target on every shot is an essentialpickleball-habits pickleball habit. You must have a target on every shot. And the smaller the target the better. You want to visualize an area no larger than 1 square foot.  When you practice I suggest you use discs or mark the court with chalk, so you can focus on a target and evaluate your progress. Remember, if you are not practicing the mental disciple required to have a target on every shot…you will never have a target when you play the game.
pickleball habit in the transition zone

You should also create habits for various positions in the game. One I recommend is related to the transition zone. When moving through the transition zone our primary goal is to get to the line. To give me time to do this, I will choose to hit the ball cross-court. Why? In part, because the ball will need to travel further and thus give me more time.

Whether it takes one ball or five balls…trying to get the ball to the outside crosscourt will allow you more time. It also gets the ball in front of your partner enabling them to get involved in the point.

pickleball habit third shot drop

Many instructors recommend that their students always aim for the middle of the court when they hit a third shot drop. I understand their rationale: the net is lowest there, and it provides the most room for error third shot dropside to side. But I recommend that my students learn to hit a cross-court third shot drop. Again because it gives you more time and encourages your partner to get into the point.

Of course, I don’t recommend that a beginner/intermediate player aim for the side-line. Frankly, even very skilled players aim for a target a foot or so inside the sideline. But by learning to hit their third shot drop cross-court they are developing a pickleball habit that can evolve as they improve.

less stress=better play

By creating pickleball habits we minimize stress. Our targets become second nature…automatic. Our goal is to develop habits so we don’t have to think so much during play. By reducing stress, we play better. If you want to learn more about some of my pickleball habits check out my ebook 5 Steps to Better Pickleball.

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