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Pickleball Holiday Gift Ideas

I wanted to share with you some of the holiday gifts I am giving this year. I personally struggle with gift-giving…never sure if the recipient will like what I have picked out. But there are a few things that I love and suspect you will too.

pickleball holiday gifts
pickleball holiday gifts
Favorites of visitors to our Palmetto Dunes pro shop are the ornaments, signs, and earrings made by an Etsy seller. While she makes items like the famous Hilton Head lighthouse, my favorites are those related to pickleball. If you are nearby, please stop by the pro shop and say hello. If not, you can browse this Etsy store for a wide variety of items.
pickleball holiday gifts
Also available in our pro shop are pickleball skorts from Pickleball Bella. Their skorts are super comfortable providing attached shorts and pockets. Their fabric designs are fun and sassy too. So if you are looking for a gift for your stylist pickleball lady, consider Pickleball Bella.
Holiday Gifts

While any pickleball player will love the following gifts, these holiday gifts are also great for non-pickleball players. This year everyone in my family is getting Oofos sandals or shoes. (Sorry if I spoiled the surprise.) Linh and I started wearing their sandals and slides about one year ago. I wear mine every day. I have a bad back and knees and I find these are comfortable while offering pickleball holiday giftssupport. They have just come out with shoes that utilize the same sole technology. I am looking forward to trying the shoes as my toes are starting to get a little chilly.

Finally, for those with fair skin (like mine) let me recommend my favorite sunscreen. I found this sunscreen recently and now use it every day. I like the fact it is not greasy. I like the vanilla green tea fragrance too. They make a small travel size that fits perfectly in my pickleball bag and carryon luggage.

The holidays are often hectic and finding that perfect gift can be difficult. I hope my pickleball holiday gifts list helps make this year just a bit easier.

Finding Your Forward Movement - Mini Lesson

Finding Your Forward Movement

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Offensive Dinking Air vs. Bounce Strategy

How To Improve Offensive Dinking: Air vs. Bounce Strategy

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The Serve - Bounce or In The Air

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The Pickleball Serve Key Progressions for Consistency

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The Pickleball Overhead

The Overhead In 3 Steps

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Pickleball Forehand Volley - Key Progressions for Success

Forehand Volley: Key Progressions for Success

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