Often when we travel to a new club it feels like we are pickleball speed dating. You get in line and play with someone you have never met. At the end of that game, back in line. A few minutes later another new partner. Perhaps you know them…perhaps not. They may have similar skills and tendencies as your last partner or may play completely different.
Pickleball Speed Dating Challenges
Pickleball speed dating is fun, but can also be challenging. We want to make the most of our short time together, have fun and be comfortable. To me, the key to enjoying the pickleball speed dating experience is to have a 30-second conversation with my partner before the game begins. Here’s how I approach it.
Pickleball Speed Dating Lefty
I am not left-handed, but if I were the first thing I would do is point this out to my new partner. When I am playing with a left-handed player I will suggest he or she start on the even (right) side of the court, and we might discuss stacking. If they prefer to stack or want to learn how to stack, that’s fine.
Covering the Middle

Speed Dating Lobs
I’ll also ask about lobs…specifically, would they prefer for one person to cover them. Often lobs are missed simply because of confusion. If you have mobility issues, let your partner know this before the game.
Call It
Take 30 Seconds
just that simple and painless. By relieving uncertainty you will reduce everyone’s stress level, enabling you to focus and play better. Remember, comfort is critical to playing well. You can even be comfortable when you are pickleball speed dating.