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Pickleball Tournaments: During a Pandemic

Many of us have stayed at home through the entire COVID ordeal. I have been reluctant to travel or have any clinics. I decided to go to the Chicago Open Pickleball Tournament after they got approval from the governor. Flying for the first time and playing for the first time in a while was quite the experience.

pickleball tournaments
Making us comfortable
They did a lot of things to make us all feel comfortable and I thought I would share these with everyone.
  1. Spectators were not allowed at the event. It certainly was different playing without a crowd.
  2. They had two checkpoints to enter. At each, they took your temperature and required you to answer a series of questions…just like at a doctor’s office.
  3. Volunteers were walking around all weekend reminding us if we were standing too close together. They carried pool noodles around as spacers and would ask us to spread out if we were too close.
  4. The referees had masks on at all times and did not touch our paddles to inspect them.
  5. Balls were not left out between matches. Instead, we all returned balls at the end of a match and they were washed before being used again.
  6. A volunteer, wearing gloves and a mask, filled our water jugs.
  7. There was some seating around the stadium courts for volunteers and players but all were at least 6 feet apart.
Long Break
pickleball tournamentsIt was definitely a different feel at the event but nice to be back on the courts. Frankly, it took a match or two just to get used to having referees. This has been the longest break from pickleball I have had. But it was a good break. Getting back on the courts with my partners and competing again was a blast. But I am glad there were precautions taken to make everyone feel comfortable.
More important than pickleball tournaments
I did see a person (spectator) get upset they would not allow him into the pickleball tournament area to watch. But my opinion is that we need to comply with the guidelines. While I understand that some people are concerned that they won’t be able to attend pickleball tournaments we need to keep some perspective…there are things that are more important than pickleball.
Before Chicago,  I didn’t think I would be playing in any events for the next year. Having participated in Chicago, I feel better about participating in future events. I do hope tournament directors will do the things I listed above so we can continue to play safely.
Want to learn how I prepare for a tournament? Check out Pickleball Tournament Mastery.
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