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Quicker Hands and Better Court Coverage – Pickleball Quick Tip

Pickleball is a game of quick reflexes and strategic positioning, and today, I want to share a tip that has transformed my gameplay and can do the same for you. This tip is all about mastering quicker hands and achieving better court coverage, which I use every time I hit the court.

Rethinking the Ready Position

The traditional ready position has its place, but I find it somewhat limiting. The essence of pickleball isn’t just about being ready; it’s about being proactive. So, here’s a simpler and more effective approach to enhance your reaction time and court coverage.

Engage Your Paddle Constantly

Firstly, it’s crucial to keep your paddle engaged at all times. Let’s break this down: if the ball is to your left, shift your weight to that side preemptively and position your paddle accordingly. This should happen even before your opponent makes their shot. This proactive stance not only prepares you to respond swiftly but also positions you strategically to influence the game.

Visual Coverage and Strategic Positioning

When you open your paddle early, especially when your opponents are targeting your partner, you’re not just waiting for the ball to come to you; you’re actively seeking to intercept it. By doing so, you cover more of the court visually. This not only increases your chances of hitting the ball but also sends a clear message to your opponents that you’re guarding the middle and are ready for action.

Avoid Excessive Movement

Here’s a common misstep: shuffling side to side like a crab. This might keep you low and ready, but it severely limits your ability to move your paddle effectively from one point to another. Remember, effective movement in pickleball is about smooth transitions and maintaining a stance that allows for quick, efficient paddle movements.

Challenge Your Opponent

The strategy is straightforward yet powerful: challenge your opponent by keeping your paddle open and ready. This readiness isn’t just about defense; it’s about setting yourself up to aggressively take control of the game. Position your paddle to take advantage of any ball that comes within your reach, and be prepared to strike forcefully.


Improving your pickleball game is all about adopting strategies that allow for quicker reactions and broader court coverage. By engaging your paddle constantly, positioning it strategically, and minimizing ineffective movements, you can dramatically enhance your gameplay. Start implementing this approach in your next game and watch how your control and speed evolve. Remember, the best defense in pickleball is a smart, proactive stance that keeps your opponents guessing and gives you the upper hand.

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