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Remembering the Pickleball Score

There are a lot of things to think about on the pickleball court…many of these cause us stress.  Keeping track of your pickleball score should not add to your stress.

pickleball score
Some Days

There are days I just cannot get the score right, or at least say it right before I serve.  It is just one of those things.  I have noticed others have this challenge as well.  It seems like a pickleball score curse.
Unfortunately, some players will say the score wrong, then correct themselves.  They are so fixated on the score that the don’t focus on the serve and then miss.  I want to tell everyone who gets frustrated or stressed out…take your time…it is no big deal.

Referees and the Score

It is not uncommon for a referee to say the wrong score.  Sometimes they catch it themselves.  At times, it is caught by a player.  There have been times when the referee was so stressed out by making a simple pickleball score mistake it was really funny.
Remember in tournament play you have resources to help you.  First, the first server wears a wristband. This is actually intended to assist the referee in identifying whether the players are serving or receiving from the correct court…but I find it helps me as well.
Secondly, if you are unsure and have a referee you can ask.  You can ask, what is the score?  You can ask if you are the correct server or receiver?  You can ask if you are in the correct position?  If you have a question, ask.  It is not like timeouts…you don’t just get two per game.  If you have a question ask.

Pickleball Score … No Referee

Of course, if you don’t have a referee you can ask your partner.  There may be times that he or she doesn’t know either…ask your opponents next.  Don’t waste time…just ask.  There have been times when no one on the court remembered the score.  These things happen….even at my age.  But by retracing the points, over time we were able to all agree.pickleball score

Just Ask

We often tell children, “there is no such thing as a stupid question.”  So don’t be afraid to ask.  When you are unsure of the score, your position or anything else on the court…take a deep breath, pause and think. If you are unsure just ask.  You are in charge when the point begins.

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