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Tennis Facilities Embrace Pickleball

Recently we have been spending time on the east coast. One of the major things that I have noticed is how many tennis facilities are getting on board with pickleball. This is great news!
tennis facilities
New jersey

We were in Colts Neck NJ in May.  The tennis club there is taping courts several times a week.  We also found this at Lifetime Fitness in Atlanta. While not ideal, anything that gives us more opportunities to play is a positive.  This is especially important in the NorthEast where players must be moved indoors during certain times of the year. Also, a tennis facility that offers temporarily lines is generally preferable to taping a gym floor.

Hilton head, SCtennis facilities

After taping courts for a few months or years, many tennis facilities will build permanent pickleball courts.  We recently visited Palmento Dunes in Hilton Head which is a famous tennis facility. It has 8 permanent pickleball courts now and is looking to add more in the future. They have also added a pickleball membership for residents and tourists.


When Tennis Facilities embrace pickleball

Tennis facilities will often provide amenities that make it a comfortable place to socialize after play, enjoy a meal, or even spend a weekend.  There is no doubt that the tennis “industry” has taken note of pickleball.   I’m confident with time it both tennis facilities and pickleball players will agree that this trend is a positive for everyone.


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