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Top 3 Pickleball Tips for Direction Change

Today we’re talking about Direction Change. I see this happen a lot, it’s obvious when you’re going to change direction. So your opponents absolutely react to that, today I will cover 3 of my favorite tips to help you change the ball direction without being obvious.


First thing that’s important when you are changing the direction of the ball is; Where is your contact point? If I’m in a dink rally cross court, I really want that space so I can simply use my cross court, or go down the line. It’s about that finishing shot.


Second thing that’s really important is not too much moving. What I see players do is they step back in order to change direction. That’s usually telling you that your contact point is too close to your body, it needs to be further in front of you, you want that space away from you so you’re ready for it.


Number three and the most important thing I think is always be ready for that ball to come back. What I want out of my space is, I can’t lose my balance, I’ve got to make sure it’s the right shot so that the assumption is hey there’s a chance it’s coming back, and I want to be ready to keep going on that. So all we’re going to do is just go nice and simple, I’ve got myself set up in my cross court position, and I’m just getting a rally going. There’s my direction to you okay, so what’s important there is the angle of my paddle. I’m not going super far back, I’m actually creating that angle so that’s lifting the ball, not making me back up and I can still change as long as this is out in front of me. I don’t care if it’s a bounce, or if it’s in the air, it’s still going to give me something to work with. My body is creating the opportunity.


So players are moving around too much to try to change that direction. Let’s think about this for a second, I’m facing cross court and I hit a ball down the line. Could that be useful? When your opponents see you line up for a cross court ball and the only thing I’m doing different is now opening my paddle to go the down the line shot instead of cross court. Let’s hope (and there’s a good chance) your opponent is pinching the middle, we are hitting that sideline and going behind the player.


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