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Unlocking Offensive Potential with Forehand Dominance in Pickleball

In pickleball, controlling the middle of the court is crucial, especially when you’re aiming to be aggressive and offensive in your play. It’s a common strategy to stack players in a way that positions a strong forehand in the middle. This setup is not just about defense; it’s about creating offensive opportunities and dynamically changing the angles of the ball to dominate the game.

However, a frequent mistake I see is players not utilizing this forehand advantage effectively. Often, players shuffle over and end up playing the ball with a backhand, inadvertently leaving a large portion of their court exposed. This move might result in a fantastic winner if executed perfectly, but the real question is: What happens if the ball comes back? Typically, players find themselves sliding further over, causing their elbow to pop up awkwardly, which is a less than ideal position to be in.

The key here is to be proactive with your forehand when you have it in the middle. When the ball is in play, and there’s a chance it might come to the middle, be ready to use your forehand. The forehand not only gives you the ability to play the ball top court, down the middle, or inside out, but it also offers more options and flexibility in your shots.

By relying on your backhand in these scenarios, you might pull off a great shot, but if the ball returns, you could find yourself handcuffed and limited in your response. To truly capitalize on the forehand’s offensive potential, be mindful of your body positioning. If you find yourself squared up and shuffling, you’re more likely to revert to a backhand. Instead, focus on rotating your body—turning your toes and hips. This not only prepares you for a stronger forehand shot but also enhances your ability to control and dominate the middle of the court.

Emphasizing the forehand in the middle is about being bold and assertive. Don’t shy away from using the space you’ve created by stacking; exploit it to maintain offensive pressure. This approach not only maximizes your strengths but also keeps your opponents on their toes, unsure of where you’ll strike next.

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