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You Can Practice More Efficient Court Movement

My students often comment that it seems the best players are able to cover the whole court but move less. The key is learning efficient court movement.

efficient court movement

it’s too big

Players often think the pickleball court is bigger than it is. In reality, you have more time than you think you have. The key is to create time and space. To do this you must learn how to move around the court efficiently. Take for example getting to the non-volley zone line. For me, there are no more than six steps between the baseline and the NVL. Once there it is only one step to either the sideline or the centerline.  With this in mind, in many cases, I can often walk to the NVL. Worse case, I can move through the transition zone after one or two additional shots.

stand taller
The key to court movement at the non-volley zone line is proper posture. Many players shuffle too much from side to side. Often the root cause of this problem is their posture. They are too low or hunched over.  Not only does this kill your back, but it makes you heavier requiring more effort.  Ideally, you want your body to work for you…not against you.
  • Pull your chest up and keep your hips underneath you;
  • Rather than bending your knees, let your knees relax and let them bend naturally;
  • Shift your weight, 60-70% of your weight should be on the ball of your foot that is closest to the ball. This enables you to pivot to the ball and accelerate more quickly.
  • Keep your paddle in front of you…extend your elbows which will engage your shoulders.
now practice
I want you to consider investing an entire practice session to practicing only these things. After every point or when the drill is efficient court movementinterrupted, evaluate your posture. Ask your drill or playing partners to assist you in this evaluation. They may be able to see things that you can’t during play.
Also, practice proper movement. Take a step turning your toe towards the outside sideline allow both feet to turn. You want your back heels off of the ground. Done properly, while maintaining the correct posture, will cause your paddle, shoulders, and hips to move in the same direction. When our shoulders turn properly, we are creating more space and allowing more rotation through the ball. Now pivot back to the centerline taking note of the same things. Extend your paddle forward, keeping your head and chest high. Note how far you can reach into the NVZ!
efficient court movement

The keys to efficient court move are proper setup, moving your body in unison toward the ball, and staying calm. We really do have more time than we think we have. And we make more time when we move efficiently. But it requires PRACTICE!

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