Pickleball Crosscourt Shots
When you watch Open level pickleball matches, you are certain to see long crosscourt rallies. Why do the pros hit so many crosscourt shots?
Apex of the Ball
If you have been watching Open play evolve, you may have noticed a change in how we approach a third shot drop. It has to do with the apex of the ball.
Is This Pickleball Trick Shot Your Halloween Treat?
My pickleball instruction is all about getting the fundamentals right. But since it is Halloween, I thought I would share my favorite pickleball trick shot.
Pickleball Line Calls: Is it In or Out?
Pickleball line calls: Is it in or Out? Can you be sure? And if you aren’t sure, what should you do?
3 Tips to Improve Your Dink Practice
When I ask a student what area of their game they practice the most, I am often told dinking. And in fact, players that spend nearly all their time playing will usually warm up by dinking for 5-10 minutes before they play. However, is this practice actually helping you?
Back to Basics…A Pickleball Essential
Have you ever watched a really good player seem unable to hit any shot? When this happens there are two possible outcomes…they spiral out of control or they work themselves back into the match. Why such different outcomes?
Are You a Pickleball Tournament Player?
As a former tennis professional, I spent a great deal of my time running tournaments. But unlike pickleball, the majority of the tennis competitors were juniors. I am not sure if you have noticed, but the typical pickleball tournament player is a bit older.
Tracking the Ball: A Pickleball Essential
I know I have written about tracking the ball before…but it cannot be emphasized too much. It is perhaps the most important factor impacting a player’s ability to anticipate and prepare for the next shot.
Pickleball Coaches are Not a Cure
Most people want a quick fix. Even I want that sometimes! As pickleball coaches our job is a bit different from what many players want. You see pickleball coaches are not a cure.
You Can Add Power to Your Pickleball Game
Many of my students want to add power to their pickleball game. Though fitness is important, lifting weights to build muscles in your arms or shoulders is not the key. Instead…