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Hitting Pickleball’s 4th Shot

Third shot drops have become so good that they have become an offensive weapon for many players.  So today we focus on the keys to hitting the 4th shot.

Pickleball Drills: My Top 3 Dinking Drills

Over the past two weeks, we have focused on dinking.  Dinking is so important that I have considered writing an entire book on the topic.  Today I share my top 3 dinking drills.

Pickleball Goals

Goals are such an important factor in improving your game as well as yourself. So New Years is a great way to set some resolution goals. So I wnat to share with you a few of mine. I think it’s a little cliche but still important, health! I have been working on my personal health […]

Why Do You Dink?

why do you dink

I find that many new players can’t answer the question, “Why do you dink?”  So today we will try to answer that question.

Pickleball Patterns Create Winning Strategies

pickleball patterns

I recently released my third ebook, the focus of which is pickleball strategies.  Today we will focus on pickleball patterns, as these patterns or plays support the strategies we choose to execute.