Why Do You Dink?

why do you dink

I find that many new players can’t answer the question, “Why do you dink?”  So today we will try to answer that question.

Pickleball Patterns Create Winning Strategies

pickleball patterns

I recently released my third ebook, the focus of which is pickleball strategies.  Today we will focus on pickleball patterns, as these patterns or plays support the strategies we choose to execute.

Adjusting to Indoor Pickleball Play


I started playing pickleball indoors, but over the last three years, the majority of my play was outside.  So imagine my surprise when I found myself adjusting to indoor pickleball play.

Preparing for Nationals


I realize as you read this it is only a few days until the Nationals begin.  However, as I write this it is 2 weeks away. Over the last few months, my time on a court has been spent teaching other people how to teach pickleball.  Working on my own game has not been a […]

Make These Pickleball Decisions Before Every Point

pickleball decisions

I know everyone wants a quick fix.  Something that will instantly improve their game.  I actually am going to give you one in this post. It is really simple! Make these pickleball decisions before every point.

Pickleball Question: Do You Rush to Finish the Match?

finish the match

As I was driving to work this morning I was cut off three times by people racing to the stoplight.  A stoplight that happened to be red. This got me to thinking about pickleball players that hurry to finish the match.