3 Pickleball Tips to Get Out of a Defensive Position
I’ve written before about the three pickleball conditions: defense, neutral and offense. Today we focus on how to get out of a defensive position and back to neutral
Hitting Pickleball’s 4th Shot
Third shot drops have become so good that they have become an offensive weapon for many players. So today we focus on the keys to hitting the 4th shot.
Off the Court: Getting Better Even if There Isn’t Enough Court Time
What do you do off the court to better your game? In many places across the country, it is difficult to find a court to drill on and practice your skills. But you want to get better!
Pickleball Drills: My Top 3 Dinking Drills
Over the past two weeks, we have focused on dinking. Dinking is so important that I have considered writing an entire book on the topic. Today I share my top 3 dinking drills.
Pickleball Goals
Goals are such an important factor in improving your game as well as yourself. So New Years is a great way to set some resolution goals. So I wnat to share with you a few of mine. I think it’s a little cliche but still important, health! I have been working on my personal health […]
3 Tips for Better Dinking
Last week we discussed why we dink. Today we focus on my top three tips for better dinking.
Why Do You Dink?

I find that many new players can’t answer the question, “Why do you dink?” So today we will try to answer that question.
Flexibility is the Key When Your Pickleball Patterns Aren’t Working

Last week we reviewed how to use pickleball patterns to create attackable opportunities or force our opponent to make an error. But some days, our favorite patterns just don’t work. What then? Flexibility is the key.
Pickleball Patterns Create Winning Strategies

I recently released my third ebook, the focus of which is pickleball strategies. Today we will focus on pickleball patterns, as these patterns or plays support the strategies we choose to execute.
Pickleball Split Step, Not a Split Stop
I am writing this post because it seems many pickleball players have a misconception about the split step. The term is split step….not split stop.