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3 Pickleball Tips to Get Out of a Defensive Position

I’ve written before about the three pickleball conditions: defense, neutral and offense. Today we focus on how to get out of a defensive position and back to neutral

defensive position

recognizing Defensive Position

As is true in many areas of life, we can’t change what we can’t identify. So the first step to getting out of a defensive position is to recognize that is what we are in. You will know you are on defense if:

  • You are moving backward,
  • Are on your heels,
  • You are off balance and/or scurrying to get back into position, or
  • You are at the baseline and your opponents are at the non-volley zone line.

Too often, when we are in such a state our tendency is to focus solely on “getting the ball back” rather than having a specific target. Instead, take time to follow the keys below.

Key #1: BreathE

Take a breath! When we panic we often stop breathing which causes us to tighten up our bodies and our grips. The natural result is to pop the ball up or hit the ball too hard. Taking a breath allows our body to loosen up and gives us just a second to think, rather than react.

Key #2: Weight forward

Make sure to get your weight forward…toes down and heels up. When we are (literally) back on our heels, we will not be able to move our weight forward which is critical to keeping the ball down. Sometimes just standing up and resetting your body will enable this to happen. You can also create a small drop step; however, the key is to keep your heal up. I step back with my toes pressing into the ground so I can push off and move forward again.

key #3: go the longest distance

When we focus solely on getting the ball back, we tend to go right in front of us.  However, this is the shortest distance the ball will travel and thus allows us the least amount of time. If you need more time, hit the ball crosscourt. You will not only have more time but by putting the ball on your partner’s side of the court you might enable them a chance to help you. Giving yourself a bit more space also provides a larger margin of error.

Always remember

Remember, your goal when you are in a defensive position is to get back to neutral. Take just a moment to breathe, set your weight forward and hit the ball cross court.


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