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Know and Play to Your Pickleball Strengths

When I am working with a new student, I often ask, “What are your pickleball strengths?”  Sometimes I get a definitive answer.  But most often, the student will list things they are good at or have no answer at all.

Pickleball Lessons from the USAPA Nationals

Nationals VIII is now in the history books.  Time to reflect on what I observed, and identify areas for my own improvement.  I want to share with you the pickleball lessons I’m taking from Casa Grande this year.

Playing with Your Pickleball Spouse

This weekend I saw a mother and son team, at least three pickleball spouse teams, and a grandmother and grandson team.   At one point, the young boy playing with his grandmother looks at me and said, “Can you please tell her we need to dink!”  I couldn’t help but laugh.

Pickleball: Being Uncomfortable…Making it Your Own

Today I was giving a lesson to a student that I think has great potential and is also a very hard worker.  However, she doesn’t like the feeling of being uncomfortable.  When I asked her to do something she said, “I’m just not there yet”.

3 Ball Pickleball Drill: 1-2-3 Drill

In recent weeks we have reviewed the serve and the return of serve.  Today we add the third shot, bringing it all together with the 3 ball or 1-2-3 drill.

Return of Serve

Last week we talked about adding variety to your pickleball serve.  This week we focus on the return of serve…  A shot I hate to miss!