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Directionality – Preparing With Your Paddle with Sarah Ansboury

Pickleball Directionality - Preparing With Your Paddle with Sarah Ansboury

It’s common to get a little out of control at times with our backswing, often this happens when catching the ball behind our bodies instead of in front out in front. In today’s Pickleball Mini Lesson I will simplify what we need to do to improve control and being more consistent with that control so […]

Loading Up For A Forehand – Mini-Lesson with Sarah Ansboury

Pickleball Forehand Shot

Line of sight and being able to see the target are very important for an accurate and aggressive forehand shot that doesn’t go into the net or out of bounds. This week’s tip will help you keep the contact in front of you and score that point… 

How To Play Skinny Singles – Lesson & Drill with Sarah Ansboury

How To Play Skinny Singles - Lesson & Drill

When you play Skinny Singles as I recommend in the video, you end up using all the angles, much like you would during a game. Not only does that help you get better at playing your side of the court, it can make it easier to recognize what balls not to play… 

Ball Movement – Pickleball Mini-Lessons with Sarah Ansboury

Ball Movement - Pickleball Mini-Lesson by Sarah Ansboury

This week I want to talk to you a little bit about ball movement. Our contact point is key everywhere on the court, but especially at the non-volley line. When we are trying to change directions, one of the most important things to recognize if I’m changing directions on a ball, I need time and […]

Know Your Options At The NVZ Line – Mini-Lesson with Sarah Ansboury

Know Your Options At The NVZ Line - Mini-Lesson with Sarah Ansboury

Having offensive options is what leads to winning points, in this week’s lesson I focus on options at the NVZ line… In Pickleball a lot of our shots are fundamentally the same, especially at the NVZ line. Lobbing Dinking Attacking  Lob Option When we are going for a lob we should try and take […]