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Serving Position – Pickleball Quick Tip with Sarah Ansboury

This weeks tip comes from the many different questions I get about what position should I be in when I serve, or how should I be standing. I cover a few scenarios, what to do, and what to avoid… I often get asked about the ideal serving position on the pickleball court. In my opinion, […]

Direct the ball somewhere other than YOUR opponent, TO WIN THE POINT!

Q&A Series - How To Direct the ball somewhere other than my opponent

Do you regularly hit your return shot back to your opponent? In this week’s video I show you what to look for, where the open shots tend to be, and when you should use them… Let’s dive into a common mistake that many players, including myself, often make on the pickleball court. It’s the tendency […]

Should I Lock My Wrist or Not? – Q&A Series with Sarah Ansboury

This week’s question comes from conflicting advice whether we should lock our wrist (stiffen our wrist) or not. Many players with a background in racquetball, table tennis or squash have a snapping wrist motion, I cover why that’s not the ideal form, what I suggest you do and WHY!