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Practicing Your Pickleball Serve

Many people don’t spend enough time practicing their pickleball serve. So today let’s look at how to practice most effectively.

pickleball serve target, target, target

I have written before about the importance of having a target. We have to have a target every time we hit the ball. The great thing is that before we serve we have plenty of time to choose our target (and to communicate this to our partner). Be certain you take time to really focus on a spot you want to hit. The smaller your target the more likely it is that you will hit it (or land in the immediate area).

In the photo above, I show you the targets I use when I practice. But you don’t have to purchase targets. You can simply stack a few pickleballs on the court as I show you here. You will certainly know when you hit them!  Some people place old washcloths on the court. Others use chalk (if the courts permit). There are many low/no-cost solutions. My simple advice to you is to have a target every time you practice.


Pickleball Serve direction

Some players move along the baseline to change the direction of their serve. Ideally, you want to be able to hit any position simply by adjusting the paddle and follow through. Take for instance I want to hit the outside yellow circle and instead I hit closer to the orange (center) one. I focus on adjusting the angle of my paddle at contact…just a bit to the left.

Keep in mind, I will have difficulty adjusting my paddle face if I drop the ball too close to my body. I want my ball drop to be in front of my body and far enough in the front to allow for full extension. I also want it high enough to allow time for me to make contact correctly.

stay on the paddle

To create depth on your serves, visualize the ball staying on your paddle as long as you can. If you have difficulty, aim just a big higher above the net. You will be surprised how much additional power and accuracy this visualization “trick” can have on your pickleball serve.

taking it to a match

Being able to have a variety of serves is important when you are playing a match. If we always serve the same way to the same spot, our opponent will quickly groove their return. There is no one way to serve against every opponent. So experiment and mix it up. Your pickleball serve is not simply a way to start the point. It can be an offensive weapon.

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