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Follow the Ball with Your Toes

I recently wrote an article about how you should follow the ball. Following the ball is key to ensuring proper court coverage… to being able to cover the whole court with your partner. But today we look at a much smaller area of the court. Today we focus on your toes.

follow the ball
Follow the ball

I’ve written before about how I want you to move less.  I wrote that I wanted you to stop shuffling and instead pick up your feet and learn to move efficiently.  I’ve cautioned tennis players that pickleball movement and tennis movement are not the same.  Pickleball requires slower, more controlled movement…particularly at the non-volley zone line.

At the NVZ line

And it is at the non-volley zone line that I want to focus on today.  Specifically your toes, at the line.  When I ask players to follow the ball while playing at the non-volley zone, I see three possible positions.

  1. Too Square – Players keep their toes pointing straight ahead, i.e. perpendicular to the line, and only follow the ball with their head or upper body. This position leads to the shuffling side to side which I have cautioned against before.
  2. Too Open – They open their bodies up by pulling one foot off the line.  While this promotes proper paddle tracking, it makes the player vulnerable on one side…either backhand or forehand depending on which foot they pull away from the line.
  3. Just Right – Instead of a square or open position, I recommend you follow the ball with your toes.  This allows your hips and torso to move toward the ball but keeps you at the non-volley zone line.  It also defends against having a ball hit behind you or creating a vulnerable side.
Remember Goldilocks

follow the ballAs I consider the above I am reminded of Goldilocks, who tried to find a bed that was just right. Too often when we try to improve in a certain area, we go from under-doing (too square) to over-doing (too open). Instead, the path to improvement is best achieved by focusing on little adjustments.  So think about following the ball with your toes.  You might find that this advice is just right.

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