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Master Your Pickleball Grip: Avoiding Mistakes & Improving Consistency for Better Gameplay

Today, we’ll talk about grip changes in pickleball and how to avoid common mistakes that can lead to tennis elbow and errors during gameplay. Check it out…


Many players change their grip without even realizing it, especially when switching from a forehand to a backhand. When this happens, you might end up with an unstable grip and poor paddle control.

One issue that arises from improper grip changes is when your non-dominant hand stays at your side, causing you to manipulate your elbow and thumb, which can lead to mistakes. Another problem occurs when your paddle face points down after hitting a few forehands and then trying to switch to a backhand.

The solution is to use both sides of your body, right and left. Make sure your non-dominant hand is involved and your contact point is out in front. Turn your shoulders for a forehand or backhand and use your lower body to maintain balance. Keep your weight in your hips and toes, not your heels.

To practice, stand in front of a mirror and make the motions for forehand and backhand. Pay attention to keeping space between your body and your paddle, and focus on swinging from right to left. This will help reduce the risk of injury and improve your consistency in getting the ball over the net and into the court.

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