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Pickleball Question: Do You Rush to Finish the Match?

As I was driving to work this morning I was cut off three times by people racing to the stoplight.  A stoplight that happened to be red. This got me to thinking about pickleball players that hurry to finish the match.

finish the match
Finish the match

I am often asked questions about finishing a match.  Often the question is, “How do you prepare yourself mentally to finish the match when you are ahead, say 10-4?”  My answer is pretty simple, go with what got you there.

Too often I see players trying to force the issue.  They go for a glory shot.  If that works, great.  But too often it causes you to lose a point, and then another.  Often a player tries to end the point too early.  They attempt an offensive shot when they aren’t in an offensive position.  They just want to finish it…now!

Instead, I’m going to go with what has worked in the match.  I want to keep things simple on the court.  I realize that is not always easy.  Your stress level may increase when the end is in sight.  But something has been working the entire match.  The simple answer is keep doing that.

Stay with the Plan

In every match, we need to have a plan…agreed upon strategies for how we are going to win the match.  When you are ahead, there is no need to change your strategy.  In a close match, this is especially important.  You and your partner must be on the same page!  Often errors come from changing things up without a clear intention.

So take your time.  Remember you are a team.  Clear, concise and consistent communication with your partner is key. There is no time limit on your match…no reason to rush to finish the match.  Slow and steady will often win the match.


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