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What To Do When Your Opponent Likes to Spin the Ball

I am often asked how to deal with an opponent that likes to spin the ball. I will answer that question, but first I have to ask…is it an effective or ineffective spin?

Dealing With Spin On The Pickleball Court

Incoming shots with spin can be tricky, I created the video below to demonstrate the best strategy and approach. You want to position yourself in a way that absorbs the shot keeping your paddle face open so we can lift the ball without dropping your head.

Spin vs. Chop

In higher-level play you find players able to impart effective spin, causing the ball to bounce lower and deeper into the court. This should not be confused with the chopping motion I see some players utilize hoping to put a spin on the ball. Instead, they often create errors (out balls or balls in the net) or balls that bounce higher than they should. We’ll address both scenarios below.

spin the ball

Don’t Panic & Overcompensate The Spin

Whether effective or ineffective, the first rule for you as the receiver is don’t panic. Too often I see players overcompensate when they see the spin on the ball. As in many things in life, less is more. Going back to the pickleball basics is key when you are feeling uncomfortable. Focus on your lower body: weight distribution and balance. And control your paddle head.

Dealing With Effective Spin

As noted above, the effective spin will cause the ball to bounce lower and deeper. There are two things to focus on:pickleball drills

  1. I want to load my weight on my front foot and get under the ball. I want my weight distributed prior to contact with my toes down and heels up. I am looking to absorb the ball then redirect it.
  2. I must have my paddle in front of me. I use very minimal backswing and little acceleration. My paddle face is slightly open and I use my lower body to generate the power.

As we have discussed before…your lower body gives you power. So think about “more legs and less hands”.

Choppy Spin

If your opponent is creating spin by simply chopping at the ball, they will often generate a ball that you can do more with. It will often bounce higher, giving you more time to respond and more options. If you are able to make contact as the ball rises, you can use their speed against them. The keys are exactly the same as above. Focus on your weight distribution and keep your paddle in front. Remember, when you are in an uncomfortable situation always focus on the pickleball basics. By doing so, your game won’t spin out of control.

Here’s another great post about pickleball spin.



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Offensive Dinking Air vs. Bounce Strategy

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The Pickleball Serve Key Progressions for Consistency

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